Franklin-McElheny Working Group Plans Future Tasks - January 24, 2019

Published January 24, 2019

The Franklin-McElheny Working Group held its second meeting on January 15 and planned its work for the next several months. SELT has asked the group to fully explore and evaluate the pros and cons of different management options for the Franklin-McElheny Preserve, toward the goal of addressing the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA)infestation present on many of the property’s Hemlock trees.

Six Rollinsford residents are serving on the Working Group, including Nancy Carmer, Jonathan Ordway, Lucy Putnam, Herbert and Nancy Ueda, and SELT Board member Linda McGivern. The group also includes Kyle Lombard who is the Forest Health Program Coordinator for the New Hampshire Division of Forests and Land, Deborah Goard (SELT’s Stewardship Director) and Beverly Shadley (SELT’s Deputy Director). The group is being facilitated by Bruce Mallory of New Hampshire Listens.

Topics to be studied and discussed include:

  • The current state of the Preserve and its projected level of forest health (a Franklin-McElheny Preserve site walk will be conducted for and with the Working Group
  • The benefits and drawbacks of actively managing the forest through timber cutting or other activities vs. leaving the site as is
  • Results of the eagle survey from Chris Martin of New Hampshire Audubon;
  • Case studies of comparable sites in the region facing similar issues with the HWA
  • Exploration of a full suite of management options (including - among other options -no action, use of biological controls, selective cutting, and the creation of young forest habitat suitable for the New England Cottontail) each option's benefits, risks, and costs will be considered.

From the above discussions, the group will recommend two or three management options. These will be presented to the community in the early summer at which point the group will welcome feedback. Once feedback has been received and incorporated, the options will then be submitted to SELT’s Management Team, Stewardship Committee, and Board of Directors. The Board will make the final decision regarding how SELT will ultimately manage the property.

Question or comments? We’d love to hear from you. Please write us at and we’ll share your thoughts with the full Working Group

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