Update on Land Management Process and Community Engagement Activities - April 13, 2021
SELT has actively begun the process of needed forest management at Franklin-McElheny Preserve and is kicking off engagement activities with neighbors and community stakeholders. "To explain simply, the forest management is needed because of the decline and death of the hemlock trees due to the invasive insect Hemlock Woolly Adelgid," said Deborah Goard, SELT's Stewardship Director. The process to arrive at a final management plan included public meetings held in 2018 as well as a nearly year-long process with a working group made up of Rollinsford residents and SELT staff, which SELT paid to be facilitated by NH Listens. The final plan, completed in June 2019, was a consensus for a two-phased management . The first phase will remove the hemlock most affected by the insect. The second phase would depend on how quickly the remaining hemlock declined but was estimated at between three to ten years after the first entry. In late April of 2020, while SELT began planning to st...